The sand and gravel resources of the area south and west of Woodbridge, Suffolk : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TM 24


It has become increasingly clear in recent years that an assessment of resources of many minerals should be undertaken. This is a Report of the Mineral Assessment Unit which was set up in May 1968 to undertake such work. It describes and quantifies the resources of sand and gravel of 91.2 km2 of country south and west of Woodbridge, shown on the accompanying 1:25 000 resource sheet TM 24. This survey is concerned with assessing sand and gravel resources on a regional scale at the indicated level; the deposits are not outlined completely nor their grade establjshed throughout. The work may be regarded as the application to large areas of methods used commercially for evaluating reserves on small sites. It may be regarded also as an extension of geological mapping by providing information about the thickness and quality of deposits. The survey was conducted in 1968-69 by Dr. R. Allender assisted by Mr. S. E. Hollyer as field officer, who supervised the drilling and sampling programme and helped in the preparation of data for this publication. Mr. J. D. Ambrose supervised drilling for a short period at the beginning of the programme. The work is based on a 1:63 360 scale geological survey originally published in 1881-1883 on parts of Old Series sheets 48, 49 and 50, reprinted with corrections and additions on New Series one-inch sheets 207 (Ipswich) and 208 and 225 (Woodbridge and Felixstowe) first published in 1927 and 1928 respectively (and subsequently at intervals) and now presented at the 1:25 000 scale, incorporating minor amendments resulting from the present work. Mr. J.W. Gardner, C. B. E. (Land Agent) has been responsible for negotiating access to land for drilling. The ready cooperation of land owners and tenants in this work is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are due to Dr. T. L. Thomas of the Royal School of Mines, London, for his advice on methods of resource calculation. Financial support for the survey was provided by the Department of the Environment

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