Research data supporting "Chiral Self-Assembly of Cellulose Nanocrystals is Driven by Crystallite Bundles"


A detailed summary is provided in the file "DataSummary.pdf" that accompanies the dataset. Note that the total dataset size is approximately 3.7 GB.This work was supported by the following funds: BBSRC [BB/V00364X/1] (S.V., R.M.P.); EPSRC [EP/K503757/1, EP/P030467/1, EP/N509620/1, EP/L015978/1]; Philip Leverhulme Prize [PLP-2019-271]; ERC Horizon 2020 Framework Programme [Marie Curie Individual Fellowship 893136-MFCPF, ERC SeSaME ERC‐2014‐STG H2020 639088, ERC 2017 POC 790518, ERC BiTe ERC‐2020‐CoS-101001637, ITN-H2020 Plamatsu 722842]; Emil Aaltonen Foundation; Lord Lewis Research Studentship in Chemistry

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