Measurements and Verification (M&V) Guidelines for Weatherization Plus Health Program


Weatherization Plus Health (Wx+H), a pilot program introduced by the Washington State Department of Commerce, has proposed a new scope to improve the indoor environment quality (IEQ) for low-income housing residents—one that extends beyond energy benefits. Typical interventions include the distribution of green cleaning kits, walk-off mats, ventilation system upgrades, and resident education, among other elements. Wx+H experts are working to capture the long-term impact of these combined measures to assess the program’s potential. Although guidelines and best practices exist to measure and verify the impacts and influences of energy conservation, these indicators do not holistically incorporate occupant satisfaction and perceptions regarding health benefits in the context of low-income housing. This paper presents a preliminary literature review that summarizes measurements and verifications (M&V) schemes applicable to the residential sector from two major standards: ASHRAE Guideline 14 and the international performance measurement and verification protocol. Additionally, reports from the Washington State Commerce Department were analyzed to identify procedures and factors that might influence M&V schemes as applied by Washington State who are leading health and energy programs. Barriers, opportunities, and innovative M&V are discussed

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