Minimum Intersection Illumination


20-3SASIO No. DOTLT1000373Numerous prior studies indicated that street lighting improves nighttime traffic safety. However, lighting at unsignalized intersections (e.g., stop-controlled intersections and roundabouts) is not mandatory in some states such as Louisiana. This study aimed to examine whether Louisiana has traffic safety problems due to lack of lighting at its rural and suburban roundabouts and stop-controlled intersections. Underlying this goal, this study set out to (1) record the lessons learned from other states that had implemented partial or full lighting policies or other potentially low-cost countermeasures at their intersections; (2) explore whether the lighting at intersections has a significant impact on the behavior and safety of drivers; and (3) determine the viability of installing lighting at these types of intersections in Louisiana. To achieve these goals, four different approaches were employed: (1) crash data analysis, (2) online national survey among professionals working at the departments of transportation (DOTs) in the US, (3) driving simulator experiment, and (4) cost-benefit analysis

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