Mechanochemical activation of LiAlH4-Fe2O3 composites-a method to enhance kinetics of hydrogen desorption


Mechanical milling of pure lithium alanate (LiAlH4) was done with addition of 5 weigh percent of Fe2O3 using different milling time ranging from 1 to 15 minutes [1]. Mechanical milling of composites causes destabilization of LiAlH4 structure as it observed by XRD measurements. Particle size distribution results reveals that composite particle size decrease with milling time up to 3 minutes, and then increase almost to the original size, for 15 min sample. Mechanical mailing cause phase transformation from AlH4- to AlH63-. As a consequence of structural and chemical changes, desorption properties of composites are change kinetic of desorption is improved in comparison to unmilled LiAlH4. The shifting of hydrogen desorption temperature to lower temperatures is observed together with change from multi-step desorption to one-step hydrogen desorption is also observed. This caused decrease in activation energy of composites from Ea = 665 kJ/mol for unmilled LiAlH4, Ea = 279 kJ/mol for 3 min milled composite.Solid-State Science & Research ; 10-11th June 2021, Onlin

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