Improving mental healthcare access and experience for people from minority ethnic groups : an England-wide multisite experience-based codesign (EBCD) study


Background Long-standing ethnic inequalities in access and mental healthcare were worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Objectives Stakeholders coproduced local and national implementation plans to improve mental healthcare for people from minority ethnic groups. Methods Experience-based codesign conducted in four areas covered by National Health Service (NHS) mental health trusts: Coventry and Warwickshire, Greater Manchester, East London and Sheffield. Data were analysed using an interpretivist–constructivist approach, seeking validation from participants on their priority actions and implementation plans. Service users (n=29), carers (n=9) and health professionals (n=33) took part in interviews; focus groups (service users, n=15; carers, n=8; health professionals, n=24); and codesign workshops (service users, n=15; carers, n=5; health professionals, n=21) from July 2021 to July 2022. Findings Each study site identified 2–3 local priority actions. Three were consistent across areas: (1) reaching out to communities and collaborating with third sector organisations; (2) diversifying the mental healthcare offer to provide culturally appropriate therapeutic approaches and (3) enabling open discussions about ethnicity, culture and racism. National priority actions included: (1) co-ordination of a national hub to bring about system level change and (2) recognition of the centrality of service users and communities in the design and provision of services. Conclusions Stakeholder-led implementation plans highlight that substantial change is needed to increase equity in mental healthcare in England

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