Phase Diagram and Crossover Phases of Topologically Ordered Graphene Zigzag Nanoribbons: Role of Localization Effects


We computed the phase diagram of the zigzag graphene nanoribbons as a function of on-site repulsion, doping, and disorder strength. The topologically ordered phase undergoes topological phase transitions into crossover phases, which are new disordered phases with a nonuniversal topological entanglement entropy with significant variance. The topological order is destroyed by competition between localization effects and on-site repulsion. We found that strong on-site repulsion and/or doping weakens the nonlocal correlations between the opposite zigzag edges. In one of the crossover phases, both eβˆ’2\frac{e^-}{2} fractional charges and spin-charge separation were absent; however, charge-transfer correlations between the zigzag edges were possible. Another crossover phase contains eβˆ’2\frac{e^-}{2} fractional charges, but no charge transfer correlations. In low-doped zigzag ribbons the interplay between electron localization and on-site repulsion contributes to the spatial separation of quasi-degenerate gap-edge states and protects the charge fractionalization against quantum fluctuations. In all these effects, mixed chiral gap-edge states play an important role. The properties of nontopological strongly disordered and strongly repulsive phases are also observed. Each phase of the phase diagram has a different zigzag-edge structure

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