An Exploration of the Experience of Leisure Among Adults Who Immigrated to the United States from Latin American Countries


Kaplan (1975) defined leisure as a self determined activity that is pleasant and allows for personal growth. Although the diversity among the population in the United States has continued to increase over the past years (United States Census Bureau, 2019) the amount of leisure research related to race and ethnicity is relatively limited. According to Floyd et al., (2008) only 4.5% of published articles highlighted the impact of race and ethnicity on leisure. Exploring how personal context influences occupational engagement, by examining a specific group\u27s experience engaging in an occupation can help further develop the understanding of how personal factors impact occupational performance and meaning. Adults who immigrate to the United States from Latin American Countries are faced with multiple factors that impact how they engage in leisure such as residing in a new environment, language barriers, cultural disconnect, and high emphasis on work productivity (Stodolska & Shinew, 2015). The results obtained from this research can help promote awareness regarding the lived experience of Latino immigrant adults, and increase understanding of how environmental factors impact immigrant adults\u27 participation and definition in leisure. This information can help support the development of culturally relevant care and increase occupational science literature related to leisure, race and ethnicity.

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