The Rocket: Analyzing RTP (Return to Player), Payoff distribution and player behavior in crash games


Abstract Rocket is a crash game developed by DraftKings, an American publicly traded online casino, sports betting and fantasy sports company. DraftKings Rocket is a game played with a rising rocket. Players must exit the rocket at any point before the rocket crashes. In that case they receive the payoff in accordance to the multiplier of their exit point. If the rocket crashes before the player bails, player’s payoff is 0 (and they lose their bet). The game boasts an unprecedented 97% RTP (Return to Player). For comparison, Atlantic City casino slots typically have a 91-92% RTP, while Vegas casino slots average 92-96% RTP. We plan to answer the following questions: 1) What is the distribution of the rocket crash times? 2) How many players are on board and how many bail before the explosion? 3) What are the optimal Rocket strategies for the player? 4) Can gaming operators attract more players by offering higher RTP levels similarly to how Walmart thrives by offering Everyday low prices and passing on the value to the consumers? 5) Does player behavior differ depending on the amount of money they bet? 6) How can the behavior of Rocket players be extended to that of stock/crypto investors? Implications Statement/Target Audience: This research has significant business implications for both online and offline casinos/gaming operators, Decision Sciences Professionals, Game Theory Researchers, as well as Exchanges, Investors, Traders and Market Makers in the Securities and Cryptocurrency markets

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