Therapeutic adherence and facing styles in adolescents with diabetes mellitus type I


Introduction:  Diabetes mellitus, is one of the four non-transmissible chronic diseases that has become a Public health problem worldwide. Objective: To characterize the therapeutic adherence and facing styles in adolescents with diabetes mellitus type I. Methods: An experimental, cross-sectional, and correlational study was carried out with a quantitative methodological approach from November, 2020 to April, 2021, in the Comprehensive Care to Diabetic Consultation in Güines, Mayabeque province. The universe was formed by 83 diabetic Type I adolescents, for the selection of the sample a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience was used, and it was formed by 30 of them. For the collecting of the information a questionnaire was used to assess therapeutic adherence and a scale of Facing Styles for Adolescents. The data processing was performed by descriptive y differential statistics. Results: There was a prevalence of 11 years and more of treatment, diabetic Type I adolescents, for a 70 % and only a 6.7 % had from one to five years of treatment. Partial adhered diabetic adolescents prevailed for a 76.7 %. The most used facing style by adolescents was the style directed to the relation with the others, in a 46.7 %, followed by the style directed to the solution of problems for a 40 %. Only 13.3% had an unproductive style. Conclusions: Diabetic adolescents adhered to treatment use different facing styles

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