Sorption of imatinib on fiberglass mesh with immobilized TiO2


U ovom radu proučavana je sorpcija farmaceutika, točnije imatiniba na staklene mrežice s imobiliziranim TiO2. Farmaceutik je to koji se ubraja u skupinu antineoplastika, a čija je upotreba znatnije narasla u posljednje vrijeme na što upućuje činjenica da je zabilježena njegova prisutnost u okolišu nekih europskih zemalja. Valja napomenuti da već pri malim koncentracijama ima biološki učinak. Iz tog razloga ispitivana je njegova mogućnost sorpcije na različitim vremenima kontakta s mrežicom, pri različitim pH vrijednostima otopine, temperaturama, ionskim jakostima i masama sorbensa imobiliziranog na mrežici. U svrhu određivanja mehanizma sorpcije primijenili su se modeli linearne, Freundlichove i Langmuirove izoterme. Najboljim se pokazao linearni model izoterme budući da su u tom slučaju dobivene najveće vrijednosti regresijskog koeficijenta (R^2>0,99). Dobiveni koeficijenti sorpcije (Kd) ukazuju na povećanje sorpcije porastom pH vrijednosti otopine. Isti trend dobiven je i ispitivanjem ostalih parametara.In this work, the sorption of pharmaceutical, more precisely imatinib, on meshes with immobilized TiO2 was studied. It is a pharmaceutical that belongs to the group of antineoplastics, and whose use has grown significantly in recent times. It is indicated by the fact that its presence has been recorded in the environment of some European countries. It should be noted that even at low concentrations it has a biological effect. For this reason, its possibility of sorption at different contact times with the mesh, at different pH values of the standard solution, temperatures, ionic strengths and masses of sorbent immobilized on the mesh were investigated. For the purpose of determining the sorption mechanism, models of linear, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were applied. The linear model of the isotherm proved to be the best because in that case the highest values of the regression coefficient were obtained (R^2> 0.99). The obtained sorption coefficients (Kd) indicate an increase in sorption with increasing pH of the solution. The same trend was obtained by examining other parameters

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