Does early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy increase the operative morbidity in colon cancer surgery?


The combination chemotherapy (CT) of immediate postoperative intraperitoneal (IP) administration of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) plus systemic 5FU and levamisole as a means to prevent locoregional recurrences following surgery is a logical adjuvant treatment of patients with curatively resectable colonic cancers. Although it has been reported that this combined locoregional and systemic treatment schedule was well tolerated, there is relatively little available experience demostrating the operative morbidity with IPCT in treatment of colon cancer. The authors presented their clinical experience about operative complications in the small patient population for whom IPCT should be considered appropriate. Intestinal obstruction due to adhesions and low-grade peritonitis were common in these cases and resulted with apparent increase in the operative morbidity when compared to non-IPCT-treated colon cancer patients

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