The Consortium on Practices of Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities: Children, Young People and their Families


This study explored the combined impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and racial discrimination on the lives of children, young people and families of Black, Asian and minority ethnic background (BAME). The study is part of a larger ESRC/UKRI funded project Co-POWeR - Consortium on Practices of Wellbeing and Resilience in Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Families and Communities. The consortium began from the premise that two viruses were afflicting this part of the population – not only the COVID-19 pandemic but also racial discrimination. The pandemic exposed and amplified deep-rooted structural inequalities and racial disparities in British society and there was significant evidence early on in the pandemic that Black, Asian and minority ethnic people were being impacted adversely by the pandemic compared to the rest of the population

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