Impact of loading capability on optimal location of renewable energy systems distribution networks


Copyright Β© 2023 The Authors. A distribution system's network reconfiguration is the process of altering the open/closed status of sectionalizing and tie switches to change the topological structure of distribution feeders. For the last two decades, numerous heuristic search evolutionary algorithms have been used to tackle the problem of network reconfiguration for time-varying loads, which is a very difficult and highly non-linear efficiency challenge. This research aims to offer an ideal solution for addressing network reconfiguration difficulties in terms of a system for power distribution, to decrease energy losses, and increase the voltage profile. A hybrid Genetic Archimedes optimization technique (GAAOA) has also been developed to size and allocate three types of DGs, wind turbine, fuel cell and PV considering load variation. This approach is quite useful and may be used in many situations. This technique is evaluated for loss reduction and voltage profile on a typical 33-bus radial distribution system and a 69-bus radial distribution system. The system has been simulated using MATLAB software. The findings suggest that this approach is effective and acceptable for real-time usage

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