
J.K. Lindsey, K.B. Bower, P.A. Haglund, H.J. Penner, A.L. Stuart, K.A.Witzke, FACSM Oregon State University - Cascades, Bend, OR Whole body high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be effective for fitness development and management of cardiovascular risk factors. While research has been done on the optimal work-to-rest ratio during high-intensity training, there is little research on the optimal body position for rest periods. PURPOSE: To determine differences in heart rate and power output during whole-body HIIT exercise using different inter-set recovery strategies. METHODS: This study was approved by the OSU IRB. Participants with at least six months of regular participation in whole-body HIIT (n=10, 2 males, 8 females; age: 35.4+6.8 y, range 28- 51 y; height: 171.2+9.3 cm; weight: 70.6+11.6 kg), participated in two identical workouts on separate days, only differing in the rest strategy used between sets. The workout consisted of four sets of ten front squats at 70% of 1-RM, immediately followed by a two- minute maximal effort row. Each row session was followed by a two-minute rest interval using a passive (supine) strategy one day and an active (walking) rest strategy the other day. Dependent measures included post-row heart rate (bpm), rowing power (watts), total row distance (meters), and post-rest heart rate (bpm) averaged across the four sets. Paired t-tests were used to determine differences in dependent measures between the two workouts for each subject, at the pRESULTS:There were no significant differences between passive and active recovery strategies for rowing power (189.0+33.4 W vs. 186.3+32.7 W), distance per interval (502+28 m vs. 502+29 m), or post-row HR (169+10 bpm vs. 174+9 bpm; p\u3e0.05) respectively. There was, however, difference in post-rest HR (114+14 bpm vs. 136+17 bpm; pCONCLUSION:Passive recovery enhances cardiovascular recovery but does not appear to affect performance. It is possible that the better heart rate recovery provided by passive recovery may provide a psychological benefit or performance advantages during longer workouts or those with shorter rest intervals. A larger sample would provide more statistical power to detect a difference if it exists. Future research should test the effects of passive and active recovery on HIIT workout sessions lasting longer than 30 minutes, or with rest shorter than two minutes

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