Equilibration of Coordinating Imitation and Best-Response Dynamics


Decision-making individuals are often considered to be either imitators who copy the action of their most successful neighbors or best-responders who maximize their benefit against the current actions of their neighbors. In the context of coordination games, where neighboring individuals earn more if they take the same action, by means of potential functions, it was shown that populations of all imitators and populations of all best-responders equilibrate in finite time when they become active to update their decisions sequentially. However, for mixed populations of the two, the equilibration was shown only for specific activation sequences. It is therefore, unknown, whether a potential function also exists for mixed populations or if there actually exists a counter example where an activation sequence prevents equilibration. We show that in a linear graph, the number of ``sections'' (a sequence of consecutive individuals taking the same action) serves as a potential function, leading to equilibration, and that this result can be extended to sparse trees. The existence of a potential function for other types of networks remains an open problem

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