Centralizers of Hamiltonian finite cyclic group actions on rational ruled surfaces


Let M=(M,Ο‰)M=(M,\omega) be either the product S2Γ—S2S^2\times S^2 or the non-trivial S2S^2 bundle over S2S^2 endowed with any symplectic form Ο‰\omega. Suppose a finite cyclic group ZnZ_n is acting effectively on (M,Ο‰)(M,\omega) through Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, that is, there is an injective homomorphism Znβ†ͺHam(M,Ο‰)Z_n\hookrightarrow Ham(M,\omega). In this paper, we investigate the homotopy type of the group SympZn(M,Ο‰)Symp^{Z_n}(M,\omega) of equivariant symplectomorphisms. We prove that for some infinite families of ZnZ_n actions satisfying certain inequalities involving the order nn and the symplectic cohomology class [Ο‰][\omega], the actions extends to either one or two toric actions, and accordingly, that the centralizers are homotopically equivalent to either a finite dimensional Lie group, or to the homotopy pushout of two tori along a circle. Our results rely on JJ-holomorphic techniques, on Delzant's classification of toric actions, on Karshon's classification of Hamiltonian circle actions on 44-manifolds, and on the Chen-Wilczy\'nski classification of smooth ZnZ_n-actions on Hirzebruch surfaces.Comment: 36 pages. Initial release. Comments welcom

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