Magnetic Logic Gate Using Ferromagnetic Hexagonal Nanodots


A study of magnetic states of equal-sided hexagonal Permalloy nanodots has been conducted via micromagnetics simulation. With various side length, thickness and interior angle, magnetic state has been characterized for all hexagonal nanodots. A new boundary between single domain and vortex state on the dependency of uniaxial shape anisotropy has been discovered. Based on the characterized magnetic state of each hexagonal nanodot, several acceptable magnetic switching performances were obtained from hexagonal nanodots at single domain state. Magnetic logic gate using hexagonal Permalloy nanodots has been accomplished and it offers low power dissipation and high integration density of a functional circuit. Transmission of information from one magnetic logic gate to the neighbouring hexagonal nanodot has been partially implemented. Opportunities for improved information transmission between magnetic logic gates are promising with proposed schemes

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