Denoising ECG Signal Using DWT with EAVO


Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death across the world, and traditional methods for determining cardiac health are highly invasive and expensive. Detecting CVDs early is critical for effective treatment, yet traditional detection methods lack accessibility, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness – leaving patients with little hope of taking control of their own cardiac health. Noisy ECG signals make it difficult for health practitioners to accurately read and determine heart health. Unreliable readings can lead to misdiagnosis and needless expense. Despite the importance of ECG analysis, traditional methods of signal denoising are inefficient and can produce inaccurate results. This means that medical practitioners are struggling to obtain reliable readings, leaving them unable to accurately treat their patients and leading to a lack of confidence in the medical field. The Enhanced African Vulture Optimization (AVO) algorithm with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) optimized by adaptive switching mean filtration (SMF) is proven to provide accurate denoising of the ECG signal. With this reliable method, medical professionals can quickly and accurately diagnose patients. Obtaining accurate ECG signals and interpreting them quickly is a challenge for healthcare professionals. Not only it takes a lot of time and skill but also requires specialized software to interpret the signals accurately. Healthcare professionals are facing a serious challenge when it comes to obtaining accurate ECG signals and interpreting them quickly. It requires them to spend extra time and effort, as well as specialize in the field with expensive software. Time is of the essence in healthcare and ECG readings can mean the difference between life and death. Specialized software can be expensive and time-consuming for those who don't have the resources or expertise. Our easy-to-use platform allows healthcare professionals to quickly interpret ECG signals, saving time, money, and lives! Get accurate readings. The EAVO algorithm and MIT-BIH dataset provide an effective solution to this problem. With the proposed filter built using EAVO, businesses can attain significant enhancements in reliable parameters and obtain accurate testing results in terms of SNR, MD, MSE and NRMSE

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