Enhanced Deep Learning Models for Efficient Stroke Detection Using MRI Brain Imagery


Deep learning models are widely used for solving problems in different applications. Especially Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models are found suitable for medical image analysis. As brain stroke is increasing in alarming rate, it is essential to have better approaches to detect it in time. Brain MRI is one of the medical imaging technologies widely used for brain imaging.we proposed certain advancements to well-known deep learning models like VGG16, ResNet50 and DenseNet121 for enhancing brain stroke detection performance. These models are optimized based on the brain stroke detection problem in hand as they are not specialized for a specific problem. We proposed an algorithm, named Deep Efficient Stroke Detection (ESD), that exploids enhanced deep learning models in pipeline. The experimental results revealed that there is performance improvement with optimized models. Highest accuracy is achieved by ResNet50 with 95.67%

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