Insertion of life sciences graduates in the labour market


Ensuring student-centered training, oriented towards the labor market and carried out in partnership with sustainable development actors ensures a favorable framework for increasing economic competitiveness, adapting production processes to sustainable objectives and increasing the resistance of the economic environment to economic, social and geopolitical vulnerability. The purpose of the research consisted in the analysis of the insertion of the graduates of the University of Life Sciences in Iași (USV Iași) on the labor market. For this, a survey was carried out based on a questionnaire administered to graduates after a variable period after their graduation. The data processing was carried out using statistical tools agreed for the researched topic, including the TwoStep Cluster analysis. The results reveal an insertion of graduates of 66.31%, percentage represented by 36.76% employees and 29.55% entrepreneurs, with small differences between women (50.2%) and men (49.8%). Conversely, women preferred studies (19.1%) and employment and men entrepreneurship (48.8%). Graduates of bachelor studies declared an employment of 22.6%, 6.5% continue their studies. Among the employed respondents, 41.6% started a business or got hired in less than 3 months in the field of completed studies (49.7%). Graduates of master's studies declared themselves employed in percentage of 81.3%, of which 40.2% are employees and 32.2% are entrepreneurs. The first form of employment or first entrepreneurial activity was during studies for 28.8% and less than 3 months after finishing studies for 28.0%. Graduates of doctoral studies were registered with the professional status of being employed for 38.7% of the respondents, of which 22.6% are employees, 9.7% are entrepreneurs and 9.7% are continuing their studies. The results recommend: the dynamic analysis of the insertion of graduates on the labor market and their career path; analysis and correlation of educational plans and developed skills in accordance with labor market demand; strengthening partnerships between USV Iași and public and private economic organizations

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