
This is the final version. Available from the iDAH Research Software Engineering (RSE) Steering Group via the DOI in this record. Our purpose was to convene a broad and representative group from the UK Research Software Engineering (RSE) community to discuss opportunities for and barriers to the development of Arts & Humanities (AH) RSE capability, with a specific focus on contributing to the AHRC Infrastructure for Digital Innovation and Curation in Arts and Humanities (iDAH) project and a wider remit to consider longer term strategic priorities and opportunities for alignment with UKRI and EU initiatives. The discussion was intended to be foundational, inclusive, and broad-ranging, involving a wide stakeholder group encouraged to engage in ‘blue-sky’ thinking over short, medium, and long-term time horizons. The analysis contained in this working paper should be read in that context, as a reflection of early stage discussions intended to provide a platform for future more focused activity. Additional discussion and analysis is needed to produce substantive actionable conclusions

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