High Fidelity Simulation of Loss Mechanisms in Compressors


Further improvements in aero-engine efficiencies require better understanding of loss mechanisms. The rise of high performance computing is unlocking the potential of scale-resolving simulations for industrially relevant cases thus allowing new levels of simulation fidelity. As a result, previously unexplored effects of unsteadiness can be simulated and their impact on loss understood. The work undertaken in this thesis aims to establish a framework for accurate loss predictions using scale-resolving simulations and inform the field with regards to the effects of unsteadiness on loss mechanisms within the multi-stage compressors. The lack of computational requirements for accurate industrial simulations lead to inconsistent loss predictions even for scale-resolving simulations depending on the chosen convergence criteria. This work studies aspects of loss generation by employing two test-cases: Taylor-Green vortex and compressor cascade subjected to freestream turbulence. The results show that both resolving local entropy generation rate and capturing the inception and growth of instabilities are critical to accuracy of loss prediction. In particular, the interaction of free-stream turbulence at the leading-edge and development of instabilities in the laminar region of the boundary layer are found to be important. These two outcomes allow for a formulation of resolution criteria that ensure accurate loss predictions for compressor flows. One of the major sources of uncertainty in the current simulation methods for compressor flows is the level of unsteadiness and its impact on loss This work makes a series of steps towards understanding the nature and the origin of unsteadiness within multi-stage machines and investiages the impact of gapping on mid-span compressor loss. It is found that freestream turbulence levels rise significantly as the size of the rotor-stator axial gap is reduced. This is because of the effect of axial gap on turbulence production mechanisms, which amplify at smaller axial gaps and drive increases in dissipation and loss. This effect is found to raise loss by between 5.5 - 9.5\% over the range of conditions tested here. This effect was found to significantly outweigh the beneficial effects of wake recovery on loss.Financial support for this work was provided by the Whittle Laboratory and the University of Cambridge through the Denton Scholarship fund and the CDT in Gas Turbine Aerodynamics, funded by the EPSRC EP/L015943/1EP/L015943/1

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