
The role of the maternal immune system in the regulation of human birth weight


This is the accepted manuscript version. It will be embargoed until 12 months after publication by RSC. The final version is available from RCS at birth weight is subject to stabilizing selection. Large babies are at risk of obstetric complications such as obstructed labour, which endangers both mother and child. Small babies are also at risk with reduced survival. Fetal growth requires remodeling of maternal spiral arteries to provide an adequate maternal blood supply to the placenta. This arterial transformation is achieved by placental trophoblast cells, which invade into the uterine wall. Under invasion is associated with fetal growth restriction; but if invasion is excessive large babies can result. A growing body of evidence suggests that this process is controlled by interactions between KIR receptors expressed on maternal uterine NK cells (uNK) and their corresponding HLA-C ligands on invading trophoblast. Mothers with the KIR AA genotype and a fetus with a paternal HLA-C2 allele tend to have small babies, because this combination inhibits cytokine secretion by uNK. Mothers with the activating KIR2DS1 gene and an HLA-C2 fetus are more likely to have large babies. When KIR2DS1 binds to HLA-C2 this increases secretion of cytokines that enhance trophoblast invasion. We conclude that specific combinations of the highly polymorphic gene systems, KIR and HLAC, contribute to successful reproduction by maintaining birth weight between two extremes.This work was supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust [090108/Z/09/Z], [085992/Z/08/Z] and the British Heart Foundation [PG/09/077/27964]. This work was also supported by a Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research Contract [HHSN261200800001E] and by the Intramural Research Program of National Institutes of Health, Frederick National Laboratory, Center for Cancer Research. The authors also thank the Centre for Trophoblast Research, Cambridge for generous support

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