Identifying Elements of a Climate for Sustainability


Sustainability as an area of research is growing in importance not only among academicians, but practitioners as well. A 2010 Accenture study of 700 CEOs found that 93% identified sustainability as important to the long term future success of their organizations. Utilizing CEO sustainability statements Content Analysis was conducted to understand and identify those key elements necessary for a climate for sustainability. A climate for sustainability is one in which sustainability policies, practices, and procedures drive behaviors that are rewarded, supported, and expected within an organization. Content analysis of CEO statements from organizations recognized for both their sustainability practices as CRO’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens and as CEO members of the Sustainability Business Roundtable (BRT) were evaluated to better understand and identify these key elements necessary for a climate for sustainability. For organizations practicing sustainability and for those wishing to practice sustainability both identify that knowing where to begin or what to measure is still relatively unknown. This research seeks to identify the key elements necessary for a climate for sustainability through the development of a sustainability assessment tool. This tool will provide researchers and organizations alike with the foundation for further study and analysis

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