
Antinaturaleza y eutanasia


The author of this article reviews the different meanings attributed to the concept of euthanasis. The involves a very ample perspective, taking into account the historical, clinical, philosophical, ethical, juridical, sociological, and religious aspects of the question. After this compact and straightforward synthesis, the author then analyzes and criticizes the paradoxes which arise within contemporary society with re ference to the term «euthanasia •. From the fear of pain to collectivistic utilitarianism, the possibility of euthanasia is presented today, although we repeatedly find contradictions in every instance. Finally, the author analyzes the meaning of euthanasia from the point of view of nature, affirming that it is tantamount to the very negation of nature. At the same time, the fallacies to be found in the arguments of the proponents of euthanasia are brought to light. The author then ends with the proposal of reserving the term «euthanasia» -once its confused meaning has been refined- for the sole purpose of signifying the antinatural extermination of man

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