Caracterização e Desafios da Logística Reversa de Óleos Lubrificantes


Lubricant oil consumption is directly related to economic development, and the consequence of its massive consumption is the generation of large volumes of used or polluted lubricant oil (OLUC, in Portuguese). The widespread use of this product increases the need for alternative means for recovering and reusing oil waste. Including the re-refining processes legally established in Brazil. Reverse logistics is a necessary step of the process. The aim of this article is to characterize the reverse logistics of OLUC in Brazil, and to point out the opportunities and challenges, focusing on the bottlenecks that decrease OLUCs efficiency in the North and Northeast regions of the country. Ann exploratory literature research was conducted to describe the logistics of used lubricant oil in Brazil. The study showed that geographical, technological, regulatory and environmental awareness factors interact and magnify the difficulties of the collection and processing of oil in the North and Northeast regions. The improvement of the collection methods depends on the strengthening of the currently implemented logistics network in these regions.O consumo de óleos lubrificantes está diretamente relacionado ao desenvolvimento econômico, e a consequência do consumo é a geração de volumes cada vez maiores de óleos lubrificantes usados ou contaminados (OLUC). O objetivo geral deste artigo é a caracterização da logística reversa dos OLUC no Brasil, e o apontamento de suas potencialidades e desafios, focando nos gargalos que diminuem sua eficiência nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil. O estudo mostrou que fatores geográficos, tecnológicos, regulatórios, e de consciência ambiental, interagem magnificando as dificuldades de coleta e beneficiamento nas regiões norte e nordeste, e que a intensificação da coleta, depende do reforço da rede logística atualmente implementada nestas regiões.&nbsp

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