Assessment of Platelet Function by High-Throughput Screening Light Transmission Aggregometry: Optimul Assay.


Platelet function testing is critical in the diagnosis of bleeding disorders and allows monitoring of antiplatelet therapy. The gold standard assay, light transmission aggregometry (LTA), was developed 60 years ago and remains widely used worldwide. It requires, however, access to expensive equipment and is time-consuming, and the interpretation of results requires evaluation by an experienced investigator. It also suffers from a lack of standardization, resulting in widely variable results between laboratories. 96-well plate-based Optimul aggregometry utilizes the same principles of LTA and aims to standardize agonist concentrations with the development of 96-well plates which are precoated with 7 concentrations of each lyophilized agonist (arachidonic acid, adenosine diphosphate, collagen, epinephrine, TRAP-6 amide, and U46619) and stored at ambient room temperature (20-25 °C) for up to 12 weeks. For platelet function testing, 40 μL of platelet-rich plasma is added to each well, and the plate is placed onto a plate shaker, after which platelet aggregation is determined by changes in light absorbance. This method reduces the blood volume required and allows for in-depth platelet function analysis without specialist training, or the need to purchase expensive, dedicated equipment

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