
Persönlichkeitsgestörte Straftäter in der Schweiz: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Behandlungspraxis


Summary : The political, legal and forensic psychiatric system of Switzerland shows a strong federal structure with considerable regional differences. Securing or therapeutic measures comprise less then 1% of all punishing judgements. A comprehensive reform of the penal law with a more differentiation but also a strong tendency for security is in operation since 1-1-2007. A uniform measure of preventive detention makes no difference between dissocial and mentally disturbed offenders. The hearing of an interdisciplinary special commission is legally mandatorily at dismissal or loosenings from a detention measure now. The legal regulations in Switzerland make a greater flexibility and permeability possible in the treatment practice between penal system and forensic psychiatry. The therapeutical concepts for the treatment of offenders with personality disorders orientate themselves at international standards in Switzerlan

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