
Representation of Normal Cone Inclusion Problems in Dynamics Via Non-linear Equations


Analyzing non-smooth mechanical systems requires often the solution of inclusion problems of normal cone type. These problems arise for example in the event-driven or time-stepping simulation approaches. Such inclusion problems can be written as non-linear equations, which can be solved iteratively. In this paper we discuss three different methods to derive the non-linear equations representing the inclusions arising in the event-driven simulation approach. First, we formulate inclusions describing the individual non-smooth constraints and solve them successively. Secondly, we interpret the non-linear equations as the conditions for the saddle point of the augmented Lagrangian function. As a third possibility we discuss the exact regularization of set-valued force laws. All three methods lead to the same numerical scheme, but give different insight into the problem. Especially the factor r occurring in the non-linear equations is discussed. Two iterative methods for solving the non-linear equations are presented together with some remarks on convergenc

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