Glionnetia sericea (Rubiaceae) is an endemic and rare tree species of the Seychelles, restricted to altitudes between 500 and 900m with less than 1,000 remaining individuals. It survives in mist forests but also in smaller populations on granitic outcrops (inselbergs) and is pollinated by hawk moths which might ensure long-distance pollen flow. Understanding the reproductive ecology of this species will allow a better understanding on how such species survive in naturally fragmented habitats and will provide scientifically informed management recommendations. Here we report on ten species specific polymorphic microsatellite loci developed for a study of historic and contemporary gene flow. Based upon a sample of 81 adults, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 12 (mean of 6.1 per locus) with an average polymorphic information content of 0.52 across loci. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.27 to 0.82 with two of ten primers showing some deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectatio