
Immunodiagnosis of primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep by the use of a P30 IgG avidity ELISA


Abstract.: Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite with a worldwide distribution. In both sheep and humans, if the parasite is encountered during pregnancy, fetal infection and abortion can occur. Therefore, Toxoplasma infection in sheep has a major economic impact upon sheep farming. Clinically, there is a need to distinguish recent (acute) infections from longstanding (chronic) infections. However, current serological techniques, such as detection of anti-T. gondii IgG, cannot discriminate between acute and chronic infections. Increasing immunoglobulin avidity is a good determining factor of how recent an infection is. In this study, we describe the application and validation of a T. gondii IgG avidity ELISA, based on the use of an affinity-purified, native T. gondii P30 antigen. The assay was used to examine sera from eight sheep experimentally infected with T. gondii and found that all seroconverted within 21days post-infection (p.i.), beginning with avidities that were initially low but that increased over time, with all sheep reaching high IgG avidity within 10weeks p.i. In addition, sera from clinically healthy but T. gondii-seropositive lambs and ewes and seropositive ewes with a history of abortion were also subjected to a preliminary serological investigation. High IgG avidities were found in 80% of the seropositive lambs, in 90% of the clinically healthy ewes and in 97% of the ewes with abortion problems. These findings indicate that the animals had most likely contacted the parasite a longer time ag

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