
Bucket-handle tear of the triangular fibrocartilage complex: case report of a complex peripheral injury with separation of the distal radioulnar ligaments from the articular disc


Palmer previously proposed a classification system of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injuries that proved to be useful in directing clinical management. However, dorsal peripheral tears (variants of class 1C) were not described and have rarely been reported in the literature since. We herewith present a rare case of bucket-handle tear of the TFCC. To our knowledge, this is the first case demonstrating partial separation of both the palmar and dorsal distal radioulnar ligaments (DRULs) from the articular disc. The particular wrist magnetic resonance (MR) arthrographic findings of this unusual complex peripheral TFCC tear (a variant of both class 1B and 1C) were nicely appreciated upon sagittal reformatted image

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