
Sleep disordered breathing in the elderly


Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), i.e., obstructive, central or mixed sleep apneas, has been recognized as a common occurrence in the elderly. Aging is per se associated with a decrease in the quality of sleep; SDB may further disrupt the sleep architecture in older subjects. The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) increases with aging; available studies report prevalence rates of 11-62%. Furthermore, OSA has been associated with increased mortality in older adults. Central apneas and periodic breathing occur with increased frequency either in subjects with neurological disorders such as infarction, tumor, sequelae of infection, diffuse encephalopathies, or in chronic heart failure. Patients with cerebrovascular disease (stroke, or transient ischemic attacks) have a markedly high prevalence of SDB, mainly OSA. In these patients, SDB is associated with a poorer functional prognosis at 3 and 12 months after the acute event, and a higher mortality. The clinical impact of SDB on cognitive function appears to be modest in patients without dementia, although there is a moderate increase in daytime sleepiness. In Alzheimer's disease (AD) however, SDB occurs more frequently than in non-demented older subjects, and its severity is correlated with the degree of cognitive impairment. The hypothesis of a causal relationship between AD and SDB remains a subject of controversy. The possibility of SDB should be considered in the elderly in the differential diagnosis of "reversible dementias”, increased daytime sleepiness, or unexplained right-sided heart failur

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