The Effectiveness of Peer Support for Cancer Patients: Potential of activities based on Cancer Philosophy


  The Objectives of this study is to review various peer support practices of cancer survivors in Japan and to find effective support components. We reviewed the materials on cancer peer support published by the government and research papers on cancer peer support in the fields of psychology and nursing. National peer support activities include training of peer supporters to provide counseling and support by cancer survivors; however, these activities are not very widespread. On the other hand, where peer support activities are carried out effectively, dialogue between the peer who supports cancer patients and the patient receiving the support is on an equal footing. The Cancer Philosophy Clinic Medical Café started by Dr. Okio HINO is one such activity. A medical café has the effect of raising positive emotions and lowering negative emotions, and contribute to cancer education. The perspective of peers supporting and interacting on an equal footing is important for effective peer support activities. In peer support by the government, rather than providing counseling training to those who practice peer support, activities will develop and last longer by creating a relationship in which people can talk freely on the same level as peers

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