
Multilinear Factorizations for Multi-Camera Rigid Structure from Motion Problems


Camera networks have gained increased importance in recent years. Existing approaches mostly use point correspondences between different camera views to calibrate such systems. However, it is often difficult or even impossible to establish such correspondences. But even without feature point correspondences between different camera views, if the cameras are temporally synchronized then the data from the cameras are strongly linked together by the motion correspondence: all the cameras observe the same motion. The present article therefore develops the necessary theory to use this motion correspondence for general rigid as well as planar rigid motions. Given multiple static affine cameras which observe a rigidly moving object and track feature points located on this object, what can be said about the resulting point trajectories? Are there any useful algebraic constraints hidden in the data? Is a 3D reconstruction of the scene possible even if there are no point correspondences between the different cameras? And if so, how many points are sufficient? Is there an algorithm which warrants finding the correct solution to this highly non-convex problem? This article addresses these questions and thereby introduces the concept of low-dimensional motion subspaces. The constraints provided by these motion subspaces enable an algorithm which ensures finding the correct solution to this non-convex reconstruction problem. The algorithm is based on multilinear analysis, matrix and tensor factorizations. Our new approach can handle extreme configurations, e.g. a camera in a camera network tracking only one single point. Results on synthetic as well as on real data sequences act as a proof of concept for the presented insight

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