Det ubevidste i objektrelationsteorien


The article contains an account of the fate that the concept of the unconscious has undergone in the theories of Melanie Klein and D.W. Winnicott. On the basis of a statement of aspects of Freud's conception of the unconscious, an account of the Kleiniancomprehension of unconscious phantasies and their roles in the subject's internal world is given. Furthermore we present some theoretical problems related to the concept of internal objects. Finally we discuss the position of the unconscious in Winnicott'stheory. Here it is argued that Winnicott's focus of interest moves to the intermediate area between internal world and external reality. In this context we expound the essential splitting in the True and the False Self and the relation of these concepts to the Freudian formulations of the psychical apparatus.Artiklen rummer en fremstilling af den skæbne, begrebet det ubevidste har undergået i Melanie Kleins og D. W. Winnicotts teorier.På basis af en redegørelse for aspekter af Freuds tænkning om det ubevidste beskrives den kleinianske forståelse af ubevidste fantasier og deres rolle i subjektets indre verden. Der gives desuden en redegørelse for teoretiske problemer i forbindelse med begrebet om indre objekter. Endelig diskuteres begrebet det ubevidstes status i Winnicotts teori. Her argumenteres for, at Winnicotts interessefokus flyttes til det mellemliggende område mellem indre verden og ydre realitet. I denne sammenhæng redegøres for den centrale spaltning i det sande og falske selv og begrebernes relation til Freuds opdelinger af det psykiske apparat

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