
Direct NMR observation and DFT calculations of a hydrogen bond at the active site of a 44 kDa enzyme


A hydrogen bond between the amide backbone of Arg7 and the remote imidazole side chain of His106 has been directly observed by improved TROSY-NMR techniques in the 44kDa trimeric enzyme chorismate mutase from Bacillus subtilis. The presence of this hydrogen bond in the free enzyme and its complexes with a transition state analog and the reaction product was demonstrated by measurement of 15N-15N and 1H-15N trans-hydrogen bond scalar couplings, 2h J NN and 1h J HN, and by transfer of nuclear polarization across the hydrogen bond. The conformational dependences of these coupling constants were analyzed using sum-over-states density functional perturbation theory (SOS-DFPT). The observed hydrogen bond might stabilize the scaffold at the active site of BsCM. Because the Arg7-His106 hydrogen bond has not been observed in any of the high resolution crystal structures of BsCM, the measured coupling constants provide unique information about the enzyme and its complexes that should prove useful for structural refinement of atomic model

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