Relationship between Vomiting Toxin and Quality in Wheat and its Changes during Processing


In this study, unit weight, Gibberella damaged kernels, imperfect kernels, color, vomiting-toxin and other indexes in wheat samples were studied and tested.Through data analysis, it was concluded that there was a certain positive correlation between vomiting-toxin and scab grains in wheat.And the content of vomit toxin in different parts of wheat grain was detected.The results showed that the cortex and aleurone layer were higher than the endosperm.After screening wheat, impurities and scab grains were removed.And the vomiting-toxin content would decrease from 4.6% to 22%.Comparing the content of vomiting-toxin in wheat flour and wheat flour steamed buns, it was found that wheat flour was not decreased and still had high residue after cooking and other processing

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