Plasma flows during the ablation stage of an over-massed pulsed-power-driven exploding planar wire array


We characterize the plasma flows generated during the ablation stage of an over-massed exploding planar wire array, fielded on the COBRA pulsed-power facility (1 MA peak current, 250 ns rise time). The planar wire array is designed to provide a driving magnetic field (80-100 T) and current per wire distribution (about 60 kA), similar to that in a 10 MA cylindrical exploding wire array fielded on the Z machine. Over-massing the arrays enables continuous plasma ablation over the duration of the experiment. The requirement to over-mass on the Z machine necessitates wires with diameters of 75-100 μ\mum, which are thicker than wires usually fielded on wire array experiments. To test ablation with thicker wires, we perform a parametric study by varying the initial wire diameter between 33-100 μ\mum. The largest wire diameter (100 μ\mum) array exhibits early closure of the AK gap, while the gap remains open during the duration of the experiment for wire diameters between 33-75 μ\mum. Laser plasma interferometry and time-gated XUV imaging are used to probe the plasma flows ablating from the wires. The plasma flows from the wires converge to generate a pinch, which appears as a fast-moving (V≈100V \approx {100} kms−1^{-1}) column of increased plasma density (nˉe≈2×1018\bar{n}_e \approx 2 \times 10^{18} cm−3^{-3}) and strong XUV emission. Finally, we compare the results with three-dimensional resistive-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations performed using the code GORGON, the results of which reproduce the dynamics of the experiment reasonably well.Comment: 14 pages; 14 figure

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