
Learning and improvig languages for the milennial generation


The idea of my Bachelor thesis was born while I was in Erasmus in Madrid, Spain. In this international environment, I discovered that it was most complicated than I thought to learn a new language and to meet locals. With a friend, we started wondering what could be an adapted tool to help us learning and meeting new people for our generation, the so-called “Millennials”. I had the idea to create an app, that would allow local people and exchange student to meet and speak. I would call it “Meak”. Millennials is the greatest generation in the US and one of the largest in history. This generation has really specific characteristics that have to be understood in order to create products and services that are adapted to its needs and wants. We analyzed those characteristics and could highlight the following points about Millennials: • Multicultural • Digital natives • Internationals • Spending habits and skepticism In this context, an app could match with Millennials behaviors and needs. To ensure the app market is propitious to the launch of a startup, we looked closer at the business environment. It appeared to be crowded but mature. With efficient communication and marketing, it is an interesting market. Then, we designed the features that our app should contains by running surveys and interviews. We adapted our app to our findings. Once the app was designed, we had to ensure the business model would be viable and generate enough revenue. To do so, we used the business model canvas and realized the application is profitable. Finally, we made a prototype that has been shown to potential customers. We gathered feedback and explained which changed had to be done to match with their expectations

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