The Change was as Big as Night and Day : Experiences of Professors Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities


Since the inception of the Higher Education Opportunity Act in 2008, there has been an increase in the number of post-secondary education institutions in the United States that have established inclusive postsecondary programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities to attend college and achieve higher levels of employment. Previous studies have investigated the development and outcomes of these programs, however, less has been explored related to professors\u27 experiences and perceptions regarding this unique student population, particularly within Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI). The current study focused on professors teaching inclusive courses within a new Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program at a HSI and aimed to identify their perceptions and experiences related to instructing students with intellectual disabilities. Six professors participated in pre- and post-semester in-depth interviews. Findings from applied thematic analysis included: (a) barriers to success; (b) academic supports and strategies; (c) successful outcomes and (d) considerations for future, related programming

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