Spin current generation from an epitaxial tungsten dioxide WO2_{2}


We report on efficient spin current generation at room temperature in rutile type WO2_{2} grown on Al2_{2}O3_{3}(0001) substrate. The optimal WO2_{2} film has (010)-oriented monoclinically distorted rutile structure with metallic conductivity due to 5d\it{d}2^2 electrons, as characterized by x-ray diffraction, electronic transport, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. By conducting harmonic Hall measurement in Ni81_{81}Fe19_{19}/WO2_{2} bilayer, we estimate two symmetries of the spin-orbit torque (SOT), i.e., dampinglike (DL) and fieldlike ones to find that the former is larger than the latter. By comparison with the Ni81_{81}Fe19_{19}/W control sample, the observed DL SOT efficiency ฮพ\xiDL_{DL} of WO2_{2} (+0.174) is about two thirds of that of W (-0.281) in magnitude, with a striking difference in their signs. The magnitude of the ฮพ\xiDL_{DL} of WO2_{2} exhibits comparable value to those of widely reported Pt and Ta, and Ir oxide IrO2_{2}. The positive sign of the ฮพ\xiDL_{DL} of WO2_{2} can be explained by the preceding theoretical study based on the 4d\it{d} oxides. These results highlight that the epitaxial WO2_{2} offers a great opportunity of rutile oxides with spintronic functionalities, leading to future spin-orbit torque-controlled devices.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

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