biogeochemistry of sphagnum moss and epiphytic lichens in oil and gas exploration areas of Tomsk Region


Taking into account the lack of information about the atmospheric pollution by various chemical elements in territories of oil and gas exploration, including Tomsk region, the authors have implemented the method of atmosphere motoring using sphagnum moss and epiphytic lichens. The aim of the research is to estimate the environment state in oil exploration territories of Tomsk region using biomonitors (epiphytic lichens and sphagnum moss). The plant ash was analyzed by INAA method for the quantitative determination of 28 chemical elements. As a result of the study, lichens concentrate more Sc, Br, Ce, Sn Eu, Tb, La, Lu, Th, U than moss, and moss concentrates more Rb, Ag, Cs, Ba, Au than lichens. Contents of Na, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Sr, Sb, Yb, Hf, Ta in the studied samples are approximately at the same level. In comparison with the mean values for West Siberia and other regions of the world, the studied territory has higher concentrations of Cr, Fe, Zn, Sb, Sc, Sr, Yb, Hf, U. This can be caused both by the influence of local sources of atmospheric pollution at oil deposits, and geochemical, geographical, and climatic peculiarities of the studied territor

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