AI-based text-to-image generation has undergone a significant leap in the
production of visually comprehensive and aesthetic imagery over the past year,
to the point where differentiating between a man-made piece of art and an
AI-generated image is becoming more difficult. Generative Models such as Stable
Diffusion, Midjourney and others are expected to affect several major
industries in technological and ethical aspects. Striking the balance between
raising human standard of life and work vs exploiting one group of people to
enrich another is a complex and crucial part of the discussion. Due to the
rapid growth of this technology, the way in which its models operate, and gray
area legalities, visual and artistic domains - including the video game
industry, are at risk of being taken over from creators by AI infrastructure
owners. This paper is a literature review examining the concerns facing both AI
developers and users today, including identity theft, data laundering and more.
It discusses legalization challenges and ethical concerns, and concludes with
how AI generative models can be tremendously useful in streamlining the process
of visual creativity in both static and interactive media given proper
Keywords: AI text-to-image generation, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, AI
Ethics, Game Design, Digital Art, Data LaunderingComment: 18 pages, 18 figures, awaiting peer review. Due to the
rapidly-evolving nature of text-to-image generation models, this literature
review includes some references to time-sensitive elements such as news
articles, legal reports and other non-academic document