Deep neural networks are powerful tools for modelling non-linear patterns and
are very effective when the input data is homogeneous such as images and texts.
In recent years, there have been attempts to apply neural nets to heterogeneous
data, such as tabular and multimodal data with mixed categories. Transformation
methods, specialised architectures such as hybrid models, and regularisation
models are three approaches to applying neural nets to this type of data. In
this study, first, we apply K-modes clustering algorithm to define different
levels of disability based on responses related to mobility impairments,
difficulty in performing Activities of Daily Livings (ADLs), and Instrumental
Activities of Daily Livings (IADLs). We consider three cases, namely binary,
3-level, and 4-level disability. We then try Wide & Deep, TabTransformer, and
TabNet models to predict these levels using socio-demographic, health, and
lifestyle factors. We show that all models predict different levels of
disability reasonably well with TabNet outperforming other models in the case
of binary disability and in terms of 4 metrics. We also find that factors such
as urinary incontinence, ever smoking, exercise, and education are important
features selected by TabNet that affect disability