
Heterogeneous Chemistry of Cl2O and HOCl on Frozen Natural Sea Salt, Recrystallized Sea Salt, KCl and NaCl Solutions at 200 and 215K


The HOCl heterogeneous reaction on frozen natural (NSS) and recrystallized (RSS) sea salt, KCl and NaCl solutions was studied using a low pressure flow reactor in order to measure the uptake coefficient γ and products of reaction. The HOCl sample used in these experiments always contained up to 25% Cl2O which was also studied separately as a pure gas in order to understand the heterogeneous chemistry of both gases. By performing HOCl uptake on frozen NSS solution at 200K and a gas-phase residence time of (1.6±0.6) s we obtained a steady state uptake coefficient γHOCl on NSS = (2.5±0.7)×10-3 and γCl2O on NSS = (2.8±0.8)×10-3. On frozen KCl solution at 200K we obtain γHOCl on KCl = (2.8±1.3)×10-3, identical to NSS, and γCl2O on KCl = (4.6±0.8)×10-4. The main product formed during the uptake on frozen NSS solution is Cl2 which is sustained for at least one hour. In contrast, only a transient Cl2 flow (pulse) decreasing on the time scale of 100s was observed on frozen KCl (NaCl) solution. 25±10% of the HOCl taken up on all chloride-containing frozen substrates at 200K react to produce Cl2 at high HOCl concentration (4.5×1011moleculecm-3) and at a residence time of 1.6s in comparison with twice that for Cl2O. For smaller concentrations such as [HOCl] = 3.7×1010moleculecm-3 and/or a shorter residence time (0.137±0.004s), HOCl uptake did not generate Cl2 in contrast to Cl2O. A single Br2 burst event was monitored when a Cl2O or HOCl/Cl2O mixture is taken up on fresh frozen NSS solution during the first uptake at 200K. Further Cl2O or HOCl/Cl2O uptake on the same sample, even after annealing at 240K does not show an additional Br2 pulse. This Br2 release may be significant in the autocatalytic ozone destruction mechanism in the troposphere during polar sunrise. Some of the atmospheric implications of the present results are highlighted with emphasis on the preequilibrium Cl2O(ads) + H2O(ice) ↔ 2 HOCl(ads) between adsorbed HOCl and Cl2O, with the latter being the gateway to reactive uptake of HOCl at low temperature

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