
Combination Antihypertensive Therapy: Does It Have a Role in Rational Therapy?


The pharmacological treatment of hypertension allows one to reduce substantially the risk of developing a cardiovascular complication. It appears more and more important to bring blood pressure to normal values in order to get the maximal benefit from antihypertensive therapy. Blood pressure lowering drugs make it possible to control blood pressure in about half of the patients when administered as monotherapy. The fraction of patients with a normal blood pressure can be markedly increased by combining drugs acting by different mechanisms. Low doses of antihypertensive agents are generally enough when coadministered. This helps to keep the incidence of side effects minimal and facilitates the patient's compliance with long-term treatment. Low-dose, fixed-dose combination therapy may therefore represent a valuable option not only to treat hypertensive patients unresponsive to drugs given as monotherapy, but also to initiate the treatment. Am J Hypertens 1997;10:131S-137S ©1997 American Journal of Hypertension, Lt

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