
A Quaternary Solution Model for White Micas Based on Natural Coexisting Phengite-Paragonite Pairs


A thermodynamic model for the quaternary white mica solid solution with end-members muscovite-Mg-celadonite-paragonite-Fe-celadonite (Ms-MgCel-Pg-FeCel) is presented. The interaction energies for the MgCel-Pg join, the FeCel-Pg join and the ternary interactions were obtained from natural coexisting phengite-paragonite pairs. Phengite-paragonite pairs were selected based on the criteria that their chemical compositions may be represented as a linear combination of the model end-member compositions and that the respective formation conditions (350-650°C, 4-21 kbar) are accurately known. Previously published excess free energy expressions were used for the Ms-Pg, Ms-MgCel and Ms-FeCel binaries. The suggested mixing model was tested by calculating multicomponent equilibrium phase diagrams. This proved to be particularly well suited to reproduce compositional variations of white micas from amphibolite-facies metapelite

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