
Systematics of Some Reindeer Lichens (Cladonia Subg. Cladina) in the Southern Hemisphere


Cladonia arbuscula subsp. squarrosa (Wallr.) Ruoss and C. stygia (Fr.) Ruoss are reported for the first time from the Southern Hemisphere. Populations of C. arbuscula in New Zealand and Australia are recognized as subsp. stictica Ruoss, subsp. nov., usually containing stictic acid, norstictic acid (first report in subg. Cladina), and sometimes also the fumarprotocetraric acid complex. C. laevigata (Vainio) Gyelnik is reinstated in Cladonia subg. Cladina sect. Tenues, while C. stygia is considered to belong to sect. Crustaceae rather than to sect. Tenues. C. confusa R. Sant. is morphologically highly variable, although chemically uniform, usually containing usnic acid and perlatolic acid. An usnic acid-deficient chemodeme is reported as new to New Zealan

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